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Top 5 Ways to Promote Global Business with Technology

The world is more connected than ever before, thanks to advancements in technology and artificial intelligence (AI). Businesses have new opportunities to expand their networks and create a global reach. 
Here are the Top 5 ways businesses can leverage technology and AI to promote and grow their global presence:
1. Automate Translation Services

Translation services are often essential for businesses looking to expand internationally. Technology like machine translation and AI-powered translation tools can automate translation of websites, marketing materials, customer communications, and more into multiple languages.

This makes launching campaigns and operations in new geographical markets faster, easier, and more affordable. According to a study by Common Sense Advisory, companies that augmented their translation budget were 1.5 times more likely to report an increase in total revenue. The world of AI is here, and it is helping companies maximize profit, if used correctly.

2. Optimize Digital Marketing Campaigns

Today’s consumers are highly active online and on social media. Digital marketing powered by data analytics and AI allows businesses to reach people on these different platforms on a larger scale. From keyword localization to geo-targeted ads, technology enables customization on a  scale otherwise impossible through traditional marketing methods. (Did you know data analytics has become a popular concentration for university students around the world?)

3. Provide Personalized CX Across Channels

Customers expect personalized and seamless experiences when interacting with brands. AI chatbots and virtual assistants can be deployed across channels like websites, apps, and messaging platforms to engage customers in natural conversations in their native languages. This promotes brand consistency and enhances customer experience (CX) for global audiences.

The importance and focus on customer experience has gone far further than a marketing conversation; rather, it has become a C-suite daily discussion. Once it is perfected and the customer experience is more vital than ever before, the presence of AI will only become more powerful and necessary to every business.

4. Leverage Business Intelligence for Global Insights

Big data and business intelligence platforms empower more innovative decision-making with real-time insights about international markets. By analyzing trends, competitive landscapes, compliance issues, supply chain risks and more, technology provides actionable intelligence for expansion into new territories. Research suggests that organizations that adopt Big Data analytics enjoy a 5% greater productivity advantage over their competitors.

5. Facilitate Secure Cross-Border Collaboration

Technology enhances workflow collaboration across borders and time zones. Cloud computing, video conferencing, productivity software, cybersecurity tools and file-sharing apps enable remote teams to communicate, ideate, and work together seamlessly and securely. 

In addition, alliances within cross-border business allow companies to enter new markets, increase their variety of knowledge, and gain skills that were not possible to possess before.

The digital age IS NOW and it presents limitless opportunities for business growth across the world. With the strategic use of modern technology and AI, companies can market to international audiences more effectively, deliver superior customer experiences globally, collaborate across borders, and much more. The future is bright for brands leveraging technology to promote and prosper through global business expansion, and soon, technology will be essential to function and thrive. Or has that time already arrived?

Schedule a free meeting with us today to discuss how you can incorporate technology into your global expansion plans. 

November 21, 2023