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Discovery & Global Market Research

Most of our clients want to expand internationally, but don’t know if they are global ready.

Market research is essential to assess your global readiness, minimize your risk of expanding to a new market, and inform your global strategy.

We start our engagement with a global readiness assessment using our proprietary International Maturity Model. Our approach takes the guesswork out of knowing how to succeed in a new market.

As part of our research, we analyze your organization, industry, key competitors, and new markets by performing in-depth country research. Part of our process includes feasibility studies, benchmarking, surveys, focus groups, interviews, and competitive analyses.

Through our array of business consulting services, headquartered in Washington DC, we’ll help you identify markets that best align with your organization’s strengths and expansion goals.

Here’s a Case Study with more insights into our work.

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Schedule your complimentary consultation to see how we can help you.